Monday, February 11, 2008

HR from the Heart

The author, Libby Sartain, is the SVP of HR in Yahoo. Prior to her current position, she had been in HR/People at Southwest Airline, Co, for over 10 years. Her great practical experiences in HR have resulted in so many compelling stories to share and so many valuable lessons to tell.

This is one of few books written by HR practitioner for HR practitioner. The amazing part comes from author’s insights about HR (from the daily operation to long-term development) and the discovery of the relationship between HR and individuals as well as the relationship between HR and the business. Some relationships are just so subtle that you would’ve never realized until the moment you would have gone through it.

Reading this book is like taking the journey toward the HR world with the breath of its profession and the depth of its impacts on organization, business, and individual success on a daily basis.

As an HR professional, HR is my job, my career, and my profession. But rather saying that, I just think it is simply a way of living, and it happens to have such an “occupation” that has so close relationship with the way of living I like.

Here, I don’t mean I like HR because of the types of work HR does or the work styles that HR has. Rather, it is the belief, a kind of philosophy about how you perceive the world, how you value the people/environment around you, and eventually how you want to do with your life. That’s the authentic voice deeply coming from your heart. That’s the calling. It was, it is, and it will continue to be…

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