Monday, March 3, 2008

The Art of War for Women

_Sun Tzu’s Ancient Strategies and Wisdom for Winning at Work
By Chin-Ning Chu

When I first read “The Art of War” two years ago (another book), I instantly knew that’s something I have been looking for, something I really love, something allows me to explore the environment around. It is very attractive to me in a way that there is no specific answer in there. It is all about strategy. “What” matters, but “how” you apply them, utilize them, and position yourself counts even more! It is really an art in which all of the factors are interrelated and every situation is so unique. That’s the beauty of it!

There are lots of books out there writing about Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”. In fact, it is not an easy book at all. Many people may misinterpret it, and the tricky part is, sometime you thought you got it, but actually you didn’t really do. The philosophy does require certain level of mastery on understanding the holistic philosophy. Probably it is the reason why every time when I read it, I always have different thoughts related to its concepts.

This one is written by Chin-Ning Chu, also the author of Thick Face, Black Heart. The theme is to show how to adapt principles of “the Art of War” to the workplace/career in particular from women perspective. However, while I was listening to it*, I didn’t think there is much difference when applying these principles from women or men’s perspectives. But it does keep me alert about the “stereotypes” that women have been put in, increasing self-awareness.
Final word, play the game or you are played by others… instead of hating or criticizing the “dark side” of human being, I think I would CHOOSE to LEARN to ENJOY the game….

* It is the first audio book I used. I found it is very efficient by listening while driving, working out, or just simply getting my eyes relaxed. It helps save lots of time and also pushes me to concentrate and think/reflect quickly. There have been many online websites supporting audio book where you can easily download to you MP3 or IPOD. (

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